Functor Reagents_sync.Make

module Make: 
functor (R : Reagents.S) -> sig .. end
R : Reagents.S

module Countdown_latch: Countdown_latch.S  with type ('a,'b) reagent = ('a,'b) R.t
module Exchanger: Exchanger.S  with type ('a,'b) reagent = ('a,'b) R.t
module Lock: Lock.S  with type ('a,'b) reagent = ('a,'b) R.t
module Recursive_lock: 
functor (Tid : sig
val get_tid : unit -> int
end) -> Recursive_lock.S with type ('a,'b) reagent = ('a,'b) R.t
module Condition_variable: Condition_variable.S  
    with type ('a,'b) reagent = ('a,'b) R.t
     and type lock  = Lock.t