module X : sig ... end
include Eio.Process.Pi.MGR
with type t = X.t
with type tag = [ `Generic | `Unix ]
type t = X.t
val pipe :
t ->
sw:Eio.Switch.t ->
[ Eio.Flow.source_ty | Eio.Resource.close_ty ] Eio.Std.r
* [ Eio.Flow.sink_ty | Eio.Resource.close_ty ] Eio.Std.r
val spawn :
t ->
sw:Eio.Switch.t ->
?cwd:Eio.Fs.dir_ty Eio.Path.t ->
?stdin:Eio.Flow.source_ty Eio.Std.r ->
?stdout:Eio.Flow.sink_ty Eio.Std.r ->
?stderr:Eio.Flow.sink_ty Eio.Std.r ->
?env:string array ->
?executable:string ->
string list ->
tag Eio.Process.ty Eio.Std.r
val spawn_unix :
t ->
sw:Eio.Std.Switch.t ->
?cwd:Eio.Fs.dir_ty Eio.Path.t ->
env:string array ->
fds:(int * Fd.t * Private.Fork_action.blocking) list ->
executable:string ->
string list ->
ty Eio.Std.r