(<*>) [Reagents.S] |
Parallel composition operator.
(<+>) [Reagents.S] |
Left-biased choice.
(>>=) [Reagents.S] |
The monadic bind primitive for reagents.
(>>>) [Reagents.S] |
The sequential composition operator.
A | |
attempt [Reagents.S] |
Convert a blocking reagent into a non-blocking one.
C | |
constant [Reagents.S] | constant v is a reagent that always returns v .
G | |
get_tid [Reagents.Scheduler] |
Return the current thread id.
L | |
lift [Reagents.S] | lift f lifts a pure function f to a reagent.
lift_blocking [Reagents.S] | lift_blocking f blocks if f returns None .
N | |
never [Reagents.S] |
A reagent that is never enabled.
P | |
post_commit [Reagents.S] | post_commit f returns a reagent r that runs f r after the reagent
r (or any reagent constructed using r ) commits.
R | |
resume [Reagents.Scheduler] | resume k v prepares to resume the continuation k with value v and
enqueues the continuation to the scheduler queue.
return [Reagents.S] |
The monadic return primitive for reagents.
run [Reagents.S] | run r v runs the reagents r with value v .
S | |
suspend [Reagents.Scheduler] | suspend f applies f to the current continuation.