Functor Reagents.Make

module Make: 
functor (Sched : Scheduler) -> S
Sched : Scheduler

type ('a, 'b) t 
The type of a reagent computation which accepts a value of type 'a and returns a value of type 'b.
val never : ('a, 'b) t
A reagent that is never enabled.
val constant : 'a -> ('b, 'a) t
constant v is a reagent that always returns v.
val post_commit : ('a -> unit) -> ('a, 'a) t
post_commit f returns a reagent r that runs f r after the reagent r (or any reagent constructed using r) commits.
val lift : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t
lift f lifts a pure function f to a reagent. If f includes side-effects, then the side-effects may be performed zero or more times. It is expected that f does not perform any blocking operations.
val lift_blocking : ('a -> 'b option) -> ('a, 'b) t
lift_blocking f blocks if f returns None. Otherwise, it behaves like Reagents.S.lift.
val return : ('a -> (unit, 'b) t) -> ('a, 'b) t
The monadic return primitive for reagents.
val (>>=) : ('a, 'b) t ->
('b -> (unit, 'c) t) -> ('a, 'c) t
The monadic bind primitive for reagents.
val (>>>) : ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
The sequential composition operator. a >>> b perform a and b atomically. Corresponds to arrow bind.
val (<+>) : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
Left-biased choice. a <+> b first attempts a. If a blocks, then b is attempted. If both of them block, then the whole protocol blocks.
val (<*>) : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b * 'c) t
Parallel composition operator. a <*> b is only enabled if both a and b are enabled.
val attempt : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b option) t
Convert a blocking reagent into a non-blocking one. If reagent r is a blocks, then attempt r return None. If r does not block and returns a value v, then attempt r returns Some v.
val run : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b
run r v runs the reagents r with value v.
module Ref: Ref.S  with type ('a,'b) reagent = ('a,'b) t
Shared memory references.
module Channel: Channel.S  with type ('a,'b) reagent = ('a,'b) t
Synchronous message-passing channels.