Module Picos_io_cohttp.Client

Convenience functions for constructing requests and processing responses.

Please consult the CoHTTP documentation.

include Cohttp.Generic.Client.S with type 'a io = 'a with type 'a with_context = 'a with type body = Cohttp.Body.t
type !'a io = 'a
type !'a with_context = 'a
type body = Cohttp.Body.t
val map_context : 'a with_context -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b with_context
val call : (?headers:Http.Header.t -> ?body:body -> ?chunked:bool -> Http.Method.t -> Uri.t -> (Http.Response.t * body) io) with_context
val head : (?headers:Http.Header.t -> Uri.t -> Http.Response.t io) with_context
val get : (?headers:Http.Header.t -> Uri.t -> (Http.Response.t * body) io) with_context
val delete : (?body:body -> ?chunked:bool -> ?headers:Http.Header.t -> Uri.t -> (Http.Response.t * body) io) with_context
val post : (?body:body -> ?chunked:bool -> ?headers:Http.Header.t -> Uri.t -> (Http.Response.t * body) io) with_context
val put : (?body:body -> ?chunked:bool -> ?headers:Http.Header.t -> Uri.t -> (Http.Response.t * body) io) with_context
val patch : (?body:body -> ?chunked:bool -> ?headers:Http.Header.t -> Uri.t -> (Http.Response.t * body) io) with_context