Module Picos_aux_htbl

Lock-free hash table.

The operations provided by this hash table are designed to work as building blocks of non-blocking algorithms. Specifically, the operation signatures and semantics are designed to allow building consensus protocols over arbitrary numbers of processes.

🏎ī¸ Single key reads with this hash table are actually wait-free rather than just lock-free. Internal resizing automatically uses all the threads that are trying to write to the hash table.


type (!'k, !'v) t

Represents a lock-free hash table mapping keys of type 'k to values of type 'v.

type 'k hashed_type = (module Stdlib.Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = 'k)

First-class module type abbreviation.

val create : ?hashed_type:'k hashed_type -> ?min_buckets:int -> ?max_buckets:int -> unit -> ('k, 'v) t

create ~hashed_type:(module Key) () creates a new empty lock-free hash table.

  • The optional hashed_type argument can and usually should be used to specify the equal and hash operations on keys. Slow polymorphic equality (=) and slow polymorphic seeded_hash (Bits64.to_int (Random.bits64 ())) is used by default.
  • The default min_buckets is unspecified and a given min_buckets may be adjusted by the implementation.
  • The default max_buckets is unspecified and a given max_buckets may be adjusted by the implementation.
val hashed_type_of : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k hashed_type

hashed_type_of htbl returns a copy of the hashed type used when the hash table htbl was created.

val min_buckets_of : ('k, 'v) t -> int

min_buckets_of htbl returns the minimum number of buckets of the hash table htbl.

ℹī¸ The returned value may not be the same as given to create.

val max_buckets_of : ('k, 'v) t -> int

max_buckets_of htbl returns the maximum number of buckets of the hash table htbl.

ℹī¸ The returned value may not be the same as given to create.

val copy : ('k, 'v) t -> ('k, 'v) t

copy htbl creates an independent copy of the hash table.

🐌 This is a linear time operation.

Looking up bindings

val find_exn : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v

find_exn htbl key returns the current binding of key in the hash table htbl or raises Not_found if no such binding exists.

  • raises Not_found

    in case no binding of key exists in the hash table htbl.

val mem : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> bool

mem htbl key determines whether the hash table htbl has a binding for the key.

Adding bindings

val try_add : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v -> bool

try_add htbl key value tries to add a new binding of key to value to the hash table htbl. Returns true on success and false in case the hash table already contained a binding for key.

Updating bindings

val try_set : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v -> bool

try_set htbl key value tries to update an existing binding of key to value in the hash table htbl. Returns true on success and false in case the hash table did not contain a binding for key.

val try_compare_and_set : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v -> 'v -> bool

try_compare_and_set htbl key before after tries to update an existing binding of key from the before value to the after value in the hash table htbl. Returns true on success and false in case the hash table did not contain a binding of key to the before value.

ℹī¸ The values are compared using physical equality, i.e. the == operator.

val set_exn : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v -> 'v

set_exn htbl key after tries to update an existing binding of key from some before value to the after value in the hash table htbl. Returns the before value on success or raises Not_found if no such binding exists.

  • raises Not_found

    in case no binding of key exists in the hash table htbl.

Removing bindings

val try_remove : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> bool

try_remove htbl key tries to remove a binding of key from the hash table htbl. Returns true on success and false in case the hash table did not contain a binding for key.

val try_compare_and_remove : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v -> bool

try_compare_and_remove htbl key before tries to remove a binding of key to the before value from the hash table htbl. Returns true on success and false in case the hash table did not contain a binding of key to the before value.

ℹī¸ The values are compared using physical equality, i.e. the == operator.

val remove_exn : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v

remove_exn htbl key tries to remove a binding of key to some before value from the hash table htbl. Returns the before value on success or raises Not_found if no such binding exists.

  • raises Not_found

    in case no binding of key exists in the hash table htbl.

Examining contents

val to_seq : ('k, 'v) t -> ('k * 'v) Stdlib.Seq.t

to_seq htbl takes a snapshot of the bindings in the hash table htbl and returns them as an association sequence.

🐌 This is a linear time operation.

val remove_all : ('k, 'v) t -> ('k * 'v) Stdlib.Seq.t

remove_all htbl takes a snapshot of the bindings in the hash table htbl, removes the bindings from the hash table, and returns the snapshot as an association sequence.

🐌 This is a linear time operation.

val find_random_exn : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k

find_random_exn htbl tries to find a random binding from the hash table htbl and returns the key of the binding or raises Not_found in case the hash table is empty.

🐌 This is an expected constant time operation with worst case linear time complexity.

  • raises Not_found

    in case the hash table htbl is empty.


For the examples we first make a convenience binding:

module Htbl = Picos_aux_htbl

A simple top-level session

Here is a top-level session using a hash table:

# let t : (int, string) Htbl.t =
      ~hashed_type:(module Int) ()
val t : (int, string) Htbl.t = <abstr>

# Htbl.try_add t 42 "The answer"
- : bool = true

# Htbl.try_add t 101 "Basics"
- : bool = true

# Htbl.find_exn t 42
- : string = "The answer"

# Htbl.try_add t 101 "The basics"
- : bool = false

# Htbl.remove_all t |> List.of_seq
- : (int * string) list = [(101, "Basics"); (42, "The answer")]

A randomized lock-free bag

Below is an example of a randomized lock-free bag implemented using a hash table:

module Bag : sig
  type !'v t

  val create : unit -> 'v t
  val push : 'v t -> 'v -> unit
  val pop_exn : 'v t -> 'v
end = struct
  type 'v t = (int, 'v) Htbl.t

  module Key = struct
    type t = int

    let equal = Int.equal
    let hash =

  let create () = Htbl.create ~hashed_type:(module Key) ()

  let rec push t value =
    let key = Int64.to_int (Random.bits64 ()) in
    if not (Htbl.try_add t key value) then push t value

  let rec pop_exn t =
    let key = Htbl.find_random_exn t in
    try Htbl.remove_exn t key with Not_found -> pop_exn t

First of all, as we use random bits as keys, we can use as the hash function. However, the main idea demonstrated above is that the try_add and remove_exn operations can be used as building blocks of lock-free algorithms.

External reference counting

Let's create a simplified version of an external reference counting mechanism.

A Resource is hashed type whose values need to be disposed:

module type Resource = sig
  include Hashtbl.HashedType

  val dispose : t -> unit

The Reference_counted functor creates an external reference counting table for resources:

module Reference_counted (Resource : Resource) : sig
  type t

  val create : Resource.t -> t
  val unsafe_get : t -> Resource.t
  val incr : t -> unit
  val decr : t -> unit
end = struct
  type t = Resource.t

  let rc_of = Htbl.create ~hashed_type:(module Resource) ()

  let create t =
    if Htbl.try_add rc_of t 1 then t else invalid_arg "already created"

  let unsafe_get =

  let incr t =
      let backoff = ref Backoff.default in
        let n = Htbl.find_exn rc_of t in
        not (Htbl.try_compare_and_set rc_of t n (n + 1))
        backoff := Backoff.once !backoff
    with Not_found -> invalid_arg "already disposed"

  let rec decr t backoff =
    match Htbl.find_exn rc_of t with
    | n ->
        if n < 2 then
          if Htbl.try_compare_and_remove rc_of t n then Resource.dispose t
          else decr t (Backoff.once backoff)
        else if not (Htbl.try_compare_and_set rc_of t n (n - 1)) then
          decr t (Backoff.once backoff)
    | exception Not_found -> invalid_arg "already disposed"

  let decr t = decr t Backoff.default

Once again we use lock-free retry loops to update the hash table holding reference counts of resources. Notice that in decr we can conveniently remove the entire binding from the hash table and avoid leaks. This time we also use a backoff mechanism, because, unlike with the lock-free bag, we don't use randomized keys.