Module Lin

This module allows the user to describe the type signature of a tested module interface using a DSL of type combinators.

module Internal : sig ... end

Internal module to build test representations. This module is exposed for internal uses only, its API may change at any time.

Type-representing values

type constructible = |

Type definition to denote whether a described type can be generated

type deconstructible = |

Type definition to denote whether a described type can be deconstructed, i.e., tested for equality.

type combinable

Type definition to denote that a described type can be composed with other combinators such as list.

type noncombinable

Type definition to denote that a described type cannot be composed with other combinators such as list.

type (_, _, _, _) ty

Type definition for type-describing combinators. (typ,con,styp,comb) ty represents a type typ and with an underlying state of type styp. The con type parameter indicates whether the combinator type is constructible or deconstructible. The comb type parameter indicates whether the combinator type is combinable or noncombinable.

val gen : 'a QCheck.arbitrary -> ('a -> string) -> ('a, constructible, 's, combinable) ty

gen arb to_str builds a constructible and combinable type combinator from a QCheck generator arb and a to-string function to_str.

val deconstructible : ('a -> string) -> ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('a, deconstructible, 's, combinable) ty

deconstructible to_str eq builds a deconstructible and combinable type combinator from a to-string function to_str and an equality predicate eq.

val gen_deconstructible : 'a QCheck.arbitrary -> ('a -> string) -> ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('a, 'c, 's, combinable) ty

gen_deconstructible arb to_str eq builds a combinable type combinator from a QCheck generator arb, a to-string function to_str and an equality predicate eq.

Type combinators

val unit : (unit, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The unit combinator represents the unit type

val bool : (bool, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The bool combinator represents the bool type

val char : (char, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The char combinator represents the char type. It uses a uniform generator based on QCheck.char.

val char_printable : (char, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The char_printable combinator represents the char type. The generated characters have character codes 32-126 or 10 (newline) and are based on QCheck.printable_char.

val nat_small : (int, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The nat_small combinator represents the int type. The generated integers are non-negative, less than 100, and are based on QCheck.small_nat.

val int : (int, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The int combinator represents the int type. It uses a uniform generator based on

val int_small : (int, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The int_small combinator represents the int type. The generated integers are non-negative and are based on QCheck.small_int.

val int_pos : (int, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The int_pos combinator represents the int type. The generated integers are non-negative and uniformly distributed. It is based on QCheck.pos_int.

val int_bound : int -> (int, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The int_bound b combinator represents the int type. The generated integers range from 0 to b, inclusive. It uses a uniform generator based on QCheck.int_bound.

Note: the result of int_bound my_bound cannot be used both as an argument type and as a result type in type signature descriptions.

val int32 : (Stdlib.Int32.t, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The int32 combinator represents the int32 type. It uses a uniform generator based on QCheck.int32.

val int64 : (Stdlib.Int64.t, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The int64 combinator represents the int64 type. It uses a uniform generator based on QCheck.int64.

val nat64_small : (Stdlib.Int64.t, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The nat64_small combinator represents the int64 type. The generated integers are non-negative and are based on QCheck.small_nat.

val float : (float, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The float combinator represents the float type. The generated floating point numbers do not include nan and infinities. It is based on QCheck.float.

val string : (Stdlib.String.t, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The string combinator represents the string type. The generated strings have a size generated from QCheck.Gen.nat and characters resulting from QCheck.Gen.char. It is based on QCheck.string.

val string_small : (Stdlib.String.t, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The string_small combinator represents the string type. The generated strings have a size generated from QCheck.Gen.small_nat and characters resulting from QCheck.Gen.char. It is based on QCheck.small_string.

val string_small_printable : (Stdlib.String.t, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The string_small_printable combinator represents the string type. The generated strings have a size generated from QCheck.Gen.small_nat and characters resulting from QCheck.Gen.printable. It is based on QCheck.small_printable_string.

val bytes : (Stdlib.Bytes.t, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The bytes combinator represents the bytes type. The generated byte strings have a size generated from QCheck.Gen.nat and characters resulting from QCheck.Gen.char. It is based on QCheck.bytes.

val bytes_small : (Stdlib.Bytes.t, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The bytes_small combinator represents the bytes type. The generated byte strings have a size generated from QCheck.Gen.small_nat and characters resulting from QCheck.Gen.char. It is based on QCheck.bytes_small.

val bytes_small_printable : (Stdlib.Bytes.t, 'a, 'b, combinable) ty

The bytes_small_printable combinator represents the string type. The generated byte strings have a size generated from QCheck.Gen.small_nat and characters resulting from QCheck.Gen.printable. It is based on QCheck.bytes_small_of.

val option : ?ratio:float -> ('a, 'c, 's, combinable) ty -> ('a option, 'c, 's, combinable) ty

The option combinator represents the option type. The generated values from option t are either Some v or None with v being generated by the t combinator. An optional ratio allows to change the default 0.85 Somes. It is based on QCheck.option.

val opt : ?ratio:float -> ('a, 'b, 'c, combinable) ty -> ('a option, 'b, 'c, combinable) ty

The opt combinator is an alias for option.

val list : ('a, 'c, 's, combinable) ty -> ('a list, 'c, 's, combinable) ty

The list combinator represents the list type. The generated lists from list t have a length resulting from QCheck.Gen.nat and have their elements generated by the t combinator. It is based on QCheck.list.

val array : ('a, 'c, 's, combinable) ty -> ('a array, 'c, 's, combinable) ty

The array combinator represents the array type. The generated arrays from array t have a length resulting from QCheck.Gen.nat and have their elements generated by the t combinator. It is based on QCheck.array.

val seq : ('a, 'c, 's, combinable) ty -> ('a Stdlib.Seq.t, 'c, 's, combinable) ty

The seq combinator represents the Stdlib.Seq.t type. The generated sequences from seq t have a length resulting from QCheck.Gen.nat and have their elements generated by the t combinator.

val t : ('a, constructible, 'a, noncombinable) ty

The t combinator represents the type Spec.t of the system under test.

val state : ('a, constructible, 'a, noncombinable) ty

The state combinator represents the type Spec.t of the system under test. It is an alias for the t combinator.

val or_exn : ('a, deconstructible, 'b, combinable) ty -> (('a, exn) Stdlib.result, deconstructible, 'c, combinable) ty

The or_exn combinator transforms a result type representing t into a (t, exn) result type.

val print_result : ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result -> string

print_result pa pb creates a to-string function for a (a,b) result type given two to-string functions for as and bs, respectively.

val print : ('a, 'c, 's, 'comb) ty -> 'a -> string

Given a description of type 'a, print a value of type 'a.

val equal : ('a, deconstructible, 's, 'comb) ty -> 'a -> 'a -> bool

Given a description of type 'a, compare two values of type 'a.

Values representing API functions

module Fun : sig ... end
val returning : ('a, deconstructible, 'b, combinable) ty -> ('a, 'a, 'b) Fun.fn

returning t represents a pure return type.

val returning_or_exc : ('a, deconstructible, 'b, combinable) ty -> ('a, ('a, exn) Stdlib.result, 'b) Fun.fn

returning_or_exc t represents a return type of a function that may raise an exception.

val returning_ : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) ty -> ('a, unit, 'c) Fun.fn

returning_ t represents a return type that should be ignored.

val returning_or_exc_ : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) ty -> ('a, (unit, exn) Stdlib.result, 'c) Fun.fn

returning_or_exc_ t represents a return type that should be ignored of a function that may raise an exception.

val (@->) : ('a, constructible, 'b, 'c) ty -> ('d, 'e, 'b) Fun.fn -> ('a -> 'd, 'e, 'b) Fun.fn

at @-> rt represents a function type expecting an argument at and returning rt.

API description

type !_ elem

Type and constructor to capture a single function signature

type 's api = (int * 's elem) list

The type of module signatures

val val_ : string -> 'f -> ('f, 'r, 's) Fun.fn -> int * 's elem

val_ str f sig describes a function signature from a string str, a function value f, and a signature description sig.

val val_freq : int -> string -> 'f -> ('f, 'r, 's) Fun.fn -> int * 's elem

val_freq w str f sig describes a function signature like val_ str f sig but with relative weight w rather than 1. A function of weight 2 will have twice the probability of being invoked compared to a function of weight 1.

module type Spec = sig ... end

The required description of a module signature

Generating a linearization testing module from an API

Functor to map a combinator-based module signature description into a raw Lin description. This functor is exposed for internal uses only, its API may change at any time.