

Overview: what is qcheck-stm?

qcheck-stm is a model-based testing framework that builds upon QCheck. According to a library description, it generates random programs using the functionalities of this library and runs them, records the results at each step of the run, and compares these results with the behaviour of a given pure (functional) model.

qcheck-stm provides three types of tests:

Example: how to test a library?

Suppose we want to implement a small mutable set library, our main focus being to have a constant time cardinal operation. We will be using Stdlib.Set for the content, keeping track of the cardinality when adding and removing elements.

Of course, we will be using qcheck-stm for testing!

We will build the library incrementally, beginning with a small subset of a traditional signature for sets:

module type S = sig
  type elt
  type t
  val empty    : unit -> t
  val mem      : elt -> t -> bool
  val add      : elt -> t -> unit
  val cardinal : t -> int

This is obviously a subset of Set.S. The first version of the implementation looks like that:

module Lib : sig
  module Make : functor (Ord : Set.OrderedType) -> S with type elt = Ord.t
= struct
  module Make (Ord : Set.OrderedType) =
    module S = Set.Make (Ord)

    type elt = Ord.t

    type t = {
      mutable content  : S.t;
      mutable cardinal : int }

    let empty () = { content = S.empty; cardinal = 0 }

    let mem a t = S.mem a t.content

    let add a t = t.content <- S.add a t.content

    let cardinal t = t.cardinal

Writing a specification

In order to use qcheck.stm to test our implementation, the first thing we need to do is to provide a description of this library. We call this description a specification and it takes the form of a module of type Spec. In this module, the user describes three things:

  1. the library to be tested,
  2. the functional model against which to test it,
  3. and how to generate commands from this library.

Here is the specification of our little mutable set library:

open QCheck
open STM

module Lib_spec : Spec = struct
  module S = Lib.Make (Int)

  type sut = S.t

  let init_sut () = S.empty ()
  let cleanup _ = ()

  type cmd =
    | Mem of int
    | Add of int
    | Cardinal [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]

  let run cmd sut =
    match cmd with
    | Mem i    -> Res (bool, S.mem i sut)
    | Add i    -> Res (unit, S.add i sut)
    | Cardinal -> Res (int, S.cardinal sut)

  type state = int list
  let init_state = []

  let next_state cmd state =
    match cmd with
    | Mem _    -> state
    | Add i    -> if List.mem i state then state else i :: state
    | Cardinal -> state

  let precond _cmd _state = true

  let postcond cmd state res =
    match cmd, res with
    | Mem i,  Res ((Bool,_), b)  -> b = List.mem i state
    | Cardinal, Res ((Int,_), l) -> l = List.length state
    | Add _,  Res ((Unit,_),_)   -> true
    | _                          -> false

  let arb_cmd _state =
    QCheck.make ~print:show_cmd
        [Gen.return Cardinal;
         Gen.map (fun i -> Mem i) Gen.int;
         Gen.map (fun i -> Add i) Gen.int;

Let's go over the content of that specification.

The first thing we do is to instantiate the functor. We can't test the library if we don't. In the same way, if you want to test a library with an abstract type parameter (like 'a t), you will have to instantiate the 'a.

The library description

sut is the main type of the system under test. Here the mutable set. qcheck-stm also needs to know how to create an initial value and how to clean up after the tests (which is necessary when the sut uses resources that must be released, such as opened files, network connections, etc.).

The type cmd describes the functions of the library we want to test. The arguments of the constructors correspond to the arguments of the corresponding functions except for the sut. Note that we use a ppx_deriver to generate a show function. We will need it in arb_cmd. But you can also implement it yourself if you prefer.

Finally, the run function calls the library's function with the given arguments and sut and wraps the result with information about its type in a res type.

The model definition

state is the type of the model. The model should be pure and simple enough to be obviously correct. Here we use a simple list from the standard library.

qcheck-stm also needs to know what is the model's initial value. This is provided by init_state and should be the model of the result of init_sut ().

The function next_state updates the state according to a cmd. Here, only the Add cmd changes the state. The result of running a cmd will be checked in postcond.

The precond function checks whether the cmd can be run. Here, it is always the case. But this is useful when some library functions have preconditions.

The postcond function is the last concerning the model against which the library will be tested. It takes a cmd, the state before running the cmd and the res returned by the run function. In this function, we express the relation between the result of the library's functions and the functional model. The fact that it takes the state before the call of the function will come in handy when we will add a remove function to our set library.

The cmds generation

The last thing to do is to tell qcheck-stm how to generate the cmds. This is what is done by the arb_cmd function, using QCheck's combinators. We will make two remarks on this function. The first one is that QCheck.make takes an optional printer. It is important to provide it so that the test's output is printed. Here we use the function show_cmd that has been built by ppx_deriver from cmd's definition. The second remark is that arb_cmd takes a state as argument. This allows to make the generation of cmds depend on the state of the model. We don't use it here, but again, it will be demonstrated when we will add a remove function to our set library.

Running our first tests

Now, we are set to run our first qcheck-stm tests!

We will begin with some sequential testing. STM_sequential provides a functor that exposes mainly two functions:

Here, we expect the test to succeed, so we will use the first one.

module Lib_sequential = STM_sequential.Make (Lib_spec)

let _ =
  QCheck_base_runner.run_tests ~verbose:true
    [ Lib_sequential.agree_test ~count:100 ~name:"STM sequential tests" ]

And the test fails...

$ dune exec ./mutable_set_v0.exe
random seed: 499586059
generated error fail pass / total     time test name
[✗]    2    0    1    1 /  100     0.0s STM sequential tests

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test STM sequential tests failed (3 shrink steps):

   (Add 4231961964031379412)

+++ Messages ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Messages for test STM sequential tests:

  Results incompatible with model

   (Add 4231961964031379412) : ()
   Cardinal : 0
failure (1 tests failed, 0 tests errored, ran 1 tests)

In the case of a failing test, qcheck-stm gives the user the counter example it has found, after some shrinking steps, as it is customary in property-based testing à la QuickCheck. The counter example is a program. It is given twice: the first time just as a sequence of calls; the second time, each call is paired with the result of the computation.

Looking at the output, we see that Add 3591134320860609976 returns a unit, which is to be expected. But the call to Cardinal returns 0 despite the fact that it has been run after the Add. We conclude that there is something wrong with our implementation of add.

Indeed, we've forgotten to increment the cardinal field. This is easily fixed just by updating the cardinal field when adding an element.

module Lib = struct
  (* same as before *)

  let add a t =
    if not (mem a t) then begin
      t.content <- a :: t.content;
      t.cardinal <- t.cardinal + 1

  (* same as before *)

When rerunning the sequential test, the output looks like that:

$ dune exec ./mutable_set_v1.exe
random seed: 296715191
generated error fail pass / total     time test name
[✓]  100    0    0  100 /  100     1.2s STM sequential tests
success (ran 1 tests)

We can see that the tests are successful. That means that the behaviours of all the 100 generated programs were consistent with the functional model we've given.

Parallel testing

We've now tested that, when run sequentially, our library behaves accordingly to the functional model we've given. The power of qcheck-stm comes from the fact that we can also test the behaviour of our library when run in a parallel or concurrent context.

Let's say we want to test our library when it is used with OCaml domains. We just have to instantiate our specification with another functor.

On the model of STM_sequential, STM_domain proposes a functor that exposes mainly two functions:

Here again, we expect the test to succeed, so we'll use the first one.

(* same as before *)

module Lib_domain = STM_domain.Make (Lib_spec)

let _ =
  QCheck_base_runner.run_tests ~verbose:true
    [ Lib_domain.agree_test_par ~count:100 ~name:"STM parallel tests" ]

And we are set to run the tests:

$ dune exec ./mutable_set_v2.exe
random seed: 111516437
generated error fail pass / total     time test name
[✗]    3    0    1    2 /  100     0.8s STM parallel tests

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test STM parallel tests failed (13 shrink steps):

                      |                          |
          (Add 1435831017908725795)   (Add 31161757608660161)
                  Cardinal                   Cardinal

+++ Messages ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Messages for test STM parallel tests:

  Results incompatible with linearized model

                   |                                    |
     (Add 1435831017908725795) : ()        (Add 31161757608660161) : ()
              Cardinal : 1                         Cardinal : 1

failure (1 tests failed, 0 tests errored, ran 1 tests)

Here, the test fails again. This means, that even if the library is correct with respect to the given functional model when used sequentially, the library is not safe to be used in parallel.

We can see that the output is a bit different than the one with the failing sequential test. This is because the generated programs are a bit different too. For testing with using Stdlib.Domain, qcheck-stm generates a triplet of lists of calls: one sequential prefix to bring the system under test in a random state and two parallel suffixes.

We can see in the minimal counter example proposed by qcheck-stm that there are some parallel writes and reads occurring. This is a classical mistake when writing parallel code known as a data race.

Let's fix that by putting a lock on every operation. This will end up being quite slow. In a real-life program, you'll probably want to be a bit smarter than that.

module Lib : sig
  type 'a t
  val empty    : unit -> 'a t
  val mem      : 'a -> 'a t -> bool
  val add      : 'a -> 'a t -> unit
  val cardinal : 'a t -> int
end = struct
  type 'a t = {
    mutable content  : 'a list;
    mutable cardinal : int;
    mutex            : Mutex.t}

  let empty () = { content = []; cardinal = 0; mutex = Mutex.create () }

  let mem_non_lock a t = List.mem a t.content

  let mem a t =
    Mutex.lock t.mutex;
    let b = mem_non_lock a t in
    Mutex.unlock t.mutex;

  let add a t =
    Mutex.lock t.mutex;
    if not (mem_non_lock a t) then begin
      t.content  <- a :: t.content;
      t.cardinal <- t.cardinal + 1;
    Mutex.unlock t.mutex

  let cardinal t =
    Mutex.lock t.mutex;
    let l = t.cardinal in
    Mutex.unlock t.mutex;

We had to make a lot of edits in the implementation. But, as far as we don't change the signature of the function we want to test, the specification is exactly the same. So we can directly run the test.

$ dune exec ./mutable_set_v3.exe
random seed: 99077635
generated error fail pass / total     time test name
[✓]  100    0    0  100 /  100    94.7s STM parallel tests
success (ran 1 tests)

This time, the test succeeds!

Add a remove function

Our library is now safe to be used in parallel and you are set to use qcheck-stm. In this last section, we will be adding a remove function to our little mutable set library. That will allow us to demonstrate two more things that can improve how you make use of qcheck-stm:

First, for the sake of the example, we will give the remove function a slightly different signature than the add function. The remove function will return an optional element of the set, either the one that has been removed, or none if it was not an element of the set.

Now, let's begin by updating the postcond function in the specification. As noted above, the state parameter of the postcond function is the model's state before the execution of the cmd (that is before the computation of next_state cmd state). This is useful because we can now check that the result of the remove function is correct according to the model's state.

let postcond cmd state res =
  match cmd, res with
  | Mem i,  Res ((Bool,_), b)               -> b = List.mem i state
  | Cardinal, Res ((Int,_), l)              -> l = List.length state
  | Add _,  Res ((Unit,_),_)                -> true
  | Remove i, Res ((Option Int, _), Some x) -> List.mem i state && i = x
  | Remove i, Res ((Option Int, _), None)   -> not (List.mem i state)
  | _                                       -> false

Here, we can pattern match on the result of the Remove i cmd and express the fact that if this result is Some x then i was indeed in the set and i and x are structurally equal. On the other hand, if the result is None, then i was not in the set.

Now, let's say we have updated arb_cmd just by adding a generator for the Remove cmd similar to the other ones:

let arb_cmd _state =
  QCheck.make ~print:show_cmd
      [Gen.return Cardinal;
       Gen.map (fun i -> Mem i) Gen.int;
       Gen.map (fun i -> Add i) Gen.int;
       Gen.map (fun i -> Remove i) Gen.int;

Then, if we make the same mistake as above for the add function, namely:

let remove a t =
  Mutex.lock t.mutex;
  let r =
    if mem_non_lock a t then begin
      t.content <- S.remove a t.content;
      (* t.cardinal <- t.cardinal - 1; *)
      Some a
    else None
  Mutex.unlock t.mutex;

most of the time, qcheck-stm won't be able to spot the bug:

$ dune exec ./mutable_set_v4.exe
random seed: 423411827
generated error fail pass / total     time test name
[✓]  100    0    0  100 /  100     0.8s STM sequential tests
success (ran 1 tests)

The reason why is that there is very little chance to generate an argument for Remove corresponding to an element already added to the set in the same program. So the conditional branch where the mistake has been made is never explored. But be sure that it will be in real life!

In order to overcome this problem, it is possible to skew the distribution of generated cmds by looking at the state parameter. If the model of the set is empty, then we just generate a random element. But if there are already some elements in the set, then we can choose between picking one of them or generating a random new one. Now that we are aware of the problem, we also update the generators for Mem and Add which suffer from the same weakness.

let arb_cmd state =
  let gen =
    match state with
    | [] -> Gen.int
    | xs -> Gen.(oneof [oneofl xs; int])
  QCheck.make ~print:show_cmd
      [Gen.return Cardinal;
       Gen.map (fun i -> Mem i) gen;
       Gen.map (fun i -> Add i) gen;
       Gen.map (fun i -> Remove i) gen;

This will be enough to trigger a failure in the test which can help us correct our implementation.

$ dune exec ./mutable_set_v5.exe
random seed: 185490690
generated error fail pass / total     time test name
[✗]    1    0    1    0 /  100     0.0s STM sequential tests

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test STM sequential tests failed (9 shrink steps):

   (Add -410825599021310838)
   (Remove -410825599021310838)

+++ Messages ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Messages for test STM sequential tests:

  Results incompatible with model

   (Add -410825599021310838) : ()
   (Remove -410825599021310838) : Some (-410825599021310838)
   Cardinal : 1
failure (1 tests failed, 0 tests errored, ran 1 tests)

We see in the output that there is indeed a Remove of a previously added element. So this execution path is now explored. As there is only one Add, one Remove of the added element and then Cardinal returns 1, we can easily conclude there is something wrong in the implementation of the removal of an element when the element is indeed in the set.

STM in a bit more detail

STM uses QCheck and OCaml's pseudo-random number generator from the Random module to generate arbitrary cmd sequences and arbitrary input argument data to each call. To recreate a problematic test run, one therefore needs to generate the same pseudo-random test case input, by passing the same randomness seed. By running the STM tests using QCheck_base_runner.run_tests_main from QCheck, it is possible to pass a seed as a command line argument as follows:

$ dune exec ./mutable_set_v5.exe -- -s 185490690

For STM_sequential this is enough to ensure that we deterministically generate the same sequence of calls. With STM_domain and STM_thread one may however still experience different behaviours on subsequent reruns of the resulting test, because of CPU scheduling and other factors. This may materialize as different counterexamples being printed or as one run failing the test whereas another run passes it. STM_domain uses the Util.repeat combinator to repeat each test case 25 times to address the issue and help increase reproducibility.

Current limitations

STM comes with a couple of limitations: