Module Fiber.List

Concurrent list operations.

These functions behave like the ones in the standard library's List module, except that multiple items can be processed concurrently.

They correspond to Lwt's Lwt_list.*_p operations. e.g. Lwt_list.iter_p becomes Fiber.List.iter. For the Lwt_list.*_s operations, just use the standard library function. e.g. Lwt_list.iter_s can be replaced by a plain List.iter.

val filter : ?max_fibers:int -> ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list

filter f x is like List.filter f x except that the invocations of f are run concurrently in separate fibers.

  • parameter max_fibers

    Maximum number of fibers to run concurrently

val map : ?max_fibers:int -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list

map f x is like f x except that the invocations of f are run concurrently in separate fibers.

  • parameter max_fibers

    Maximum number of fibers to run concurrently

val filter_map : ?max_fibers:int -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list

filter_map f x is like List.filter_map f x except that the invocations of f are run concurrently in separate fibers.

  • parameter max_fibers

    Maximum number of fibers to run concurrently

val iter : ?max_fibers:int -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit

iter f x is like List.iter f x except that the invocations of f are run concurrently in separate fibers.

  • parameter max_fibers

    Maximum number of fibers to run concurrently